Divorcepath helps individuals and professionals calculate child support and spousal support.
Calculations are performed through a web-based application that enables users to enter detailed information about their family composition as well as tax and financial information, in order to calculate support in accordance with the Child Support Guidelines and the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines.
The Divorcepath support calculator guides users through the process of entering relevant information in order to ensure the results will be as accurate as possible. Once users are satisfied with their calculation, they can generate a PDF report to download and print or submit electronically to the court, a mediator, or legal counsel.
When reviewing reports generated by individuals using Divorcepath, courts, mediators and other professionals should consider the following:
- whether the information entered by the user (as set out in the "detailed inputs" section of the report) is completely accurate;
- whether the user has entered any manual overrides for tax amounts that would otherwise be automatically calculated (as shown in the "tax profiles" section of the report);
- whether any exceptions, ceilings or floors apply (most potential exceptions are automatically noted in the report)
Having regard to the above, the court may consider how to interpret the results of the report in view of the applicable law.
Divorcepath calculations are tested for accuracy against hundreds of alternative scenarios to ensure accuracy provided the user has entered all of the relevant information. However, the accuracy of the user's inputs is crucial.
For general information regarding how support is calculated, please visit our help centre.
We are pleased to answer any specific inquiries you may have. Please contact us regarding any questions or concerns.